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A tale of the First Interstellar expedition
Colonel Daniel Drake, a name known to every man, woman, and child, directed the project that would fulfill humanity’s oldest dream. He would direcct construction and eventually command the first interstellar flight to another star.
The building of Argos had cost him everything including his family but, for the hard-driving colonel, nothing would stop this first expedition to the stars. An endeavor that, oddly enough, some on Earth seemed willing to sacrifice anything to stop.
Initial attempts to sabotage the ship did not prevent the departure of the expedition to Tau Ceti but things went downhill from there. Fortune quickly took the expedition on a strange turn that, unknown to their homeworld, would send them ninety-nine million years back in time on an adventure they were completely unprepared for. However, the fates smiled on them for, at their point of departure, they’d been saddled with the addition of the young and rather shy Doctor Sandra Shieve. At first, the stern Colonel Drake saw no need for a geophysicist but he soon discovered their survival would fall squarely upon her shoulders.
Buy 'A Quantum of Uncertainty'
1. "First book in a new series by Philip Nolen, an epic tour de force that will draw, hold, and envelope you
in a tale of Earth's first star colony; the coming of age of a people."
--"Steve Alten, NY TImes & international best-selling author of The MEG series.
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