A summary of ‘Quantum Surge’

(also a test of new blog software)

2173 C.E. – Quantum SurgeBook I of Decatur Series
Nations of Earth are dominated by two superpowers, the North American Union (NAU) and the China Trans-Asia Coalition (CTAC). The NAU has established colonies they have named Jasper and Kraken. All are involved in a war, confined by treaty to off-earth conflicts.

However, the colonists of Kraken are caught in the middle and will not survive unless they learn to defend themselves. Their first Warbird is a converted merchant starship sent out to defend the colony on the treacherous gravitic ether of the universe with Captain Jankin Decatur at the helm.

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About Philip Nolen

Philip Nolen is an author of nonfiction and now fiction. In past years I have been a construction laborer, carpenter, toolmaker, photographer, historian, physicist, metallurgist, computer designer, materials engineer, optics designer, semiconductor scientist, researcher, marketing manager, executive, CEO, entrepreneur, world traveler and most of all a father ... and I've loved every minute!

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